Saturday, November 1, 2008

Ride report

First, let me give credit to my mother-in-law for the new alternate name of this blog. Good job, Old Mother Pickett.

This blog is working already. It's a relatively dreary day here today: rain sprinkles, a significant wind, and completely overcast. A great day to bag on riding. But I didn't want to endure the embarrassment of reporting that I didn't ride at all this weekend, so I went for it today. Rode just shy of 20 miles and stopped at my cousin Alice's house for an hour-long chat near the end. I originally planned on 26 miles around Power Butte but I cut it short after eight miles straight into the teeth of the wind and dreading the next three as the wind picked up.

You'll be glad to know that I don't plan to post EVERY ride. I just wanted to point out that the blog was working as motivation. :)

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