Sunday, November 23, 2008

Here's Why Bicycles Are Better Than Jaguars

Today I determined that I would change my truck's oil - after probably ten thousand miles since the last oil change, I figured it was about time.  So Griffin & I went for a drive to warm up the engine and to scope out alternative routes home since my normal route is closed for construction.  I pulled the plug on the oil pan when we got home, and as the oil drained I began gathering necessities and quickly came to a realization - I'm gonna need a new oil filter.  With about three tablespoons of oil left in my engine, driving was out, so I threw on my helmet, gloves, & backpack, hopped on my bike, and rode the 2.5 miles to the nearest Wally World.  I got fifteen minutes of exercise, and I didn't have to wait until Kate came home to borrow her van. Then I'd be refilling my engine in the dark too.

But dang, I'd forgotten how easy yet gratifying it is to change one's own oil.  Almost comparable to cleaning one's bike's chain.

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