Thursday, November 27, 2008

Pre-Bird Ride

I rode to the bus stop & back home on Wednesday, totaling fifteen miles and some change.

Today, I decided to do something I haven't done in quite a while: drive to the start of a ride.  I've always thought that was kinda silly, and this summer with the help of a new local group called Skinny Tire Pedalers I was able to ride straight from home more often.  But I had a couple goals in mind for today: I wanted to get out on a group ride with the club that I recently joined (LRC), I wanted my stamina to be pushed a little, and I wanted to burn off a few calories before packing many many more on.  So I drove into Boise for LRC's Annual Pre-Bird Ride.

When I arrived there were perhaps fifteen riders there.  By the time we rolled out, we had what we estimated post-ride to be eighty.  Rolling out through downtown Boise with eighty of your closest friends is a neat experience.  The city was quiet.  I'm accustomed to seeing it only during the busiest parts of the day, so the empty streets were somewhat of a shock to me.

I took the middle length of the three route offerings - about 24 miles.  Tyler & Sheree rode their tandem, and they were my comapnions for the first half of the ride.  But I saw some riders a bit more than a mile ahead of us as we approached the turn at Holilynn, and I thought that perhaps this was a good oppotunity to pursue my goal of pushing my stamina.  So at the turn I bid a silent (unnecessarily aloof) adieu to Tyler, Sheree, and their partner in conversation, John; and I motored ahead like a real hero to catch the riders I'd seen earlier.  Even if I couldn't reel them in, I knew my way back to the Co-op.  Plus I figured I'd either catch them or give up before long, and either way then I'd stop & wait for Tyler & company.

So off I went.  In a minute or two, the gang behind me was out of sight around a couple bends in the road.  At least I couldn't see them in my little mirror - for all I know they might've never lost sight of me through the whole ride.  And as I rounded the corner onto Cole & headed north, I could see a couple riders about a mile ahead of me and thought I was making up a little ground.  But by the time I got to where I saw them they'd moved on.  Dang!  I've grown too accustomed to sweeping Skinny Tire rides - catching 12MPH riders doesn't present much of a challenge.  :)

And that cycle repeated once or twice more - I'd catch a glimpse of a cyclist and be motivated to keep trying, then find myself alone.  I think they took a turn that I didn't - the route home was never discussed in detail, and I didn't care enough to press.  So anyway I found myself utterly alone at the intersection of Cole & Overland.  I knew how to get home but I was fairly certain that everyone else had turned on either Amity or Victory.  Come to think of it, I thought they might be turning there but I didn't think to actually look down either of those roads as I crossed them to see if I could see anyone.  Anyway, regardless of our return route I at least made it back to the Co-op before Tyler et al.  Leaving the group wasn't the smartest thing I'd ever done on two wheels, but finishing behind the people from whom I forged ahead would have been . . . less graceful still.

Then I came home and took a two-hour nap after eating four Krispy Kreme doughnuts as a warmup to Thanksgiving dinner.  Sheesh.


Sheree Welshimer said...

Were your ears burning when you ditched us? Just kidding. We figured you were putting that sprightly bike of your's to the test.

Dan said...

:) The bike wasn't my concern - I was putting my not-so-sprightly legs to the test.