Tomorrow's supposed to be a bit warmer than today so I put off riding until then and instead concentrated on the garage. And I finally got through building all the stuff to satisfactorily store our bikes. Notice that I left space for one more bike. Speaking of that, let me tell you a story.
This past weekend, our friend Shannon came out to visit. Shannon does agility stuff too, and her husband makes agility equipment. She was kind enough to bring a set of weave poles with her for Kate. That made four sets of weave poles in our house and only three bicycles. I of course made a big scene - almost as big as Kate's "You want another bike!?" scene. Kate and Shannon immediately started tag-teaming to explain the subtle differences between each set and rationalize the need for all four. Does anyone else see a problem with this? To be fair, one set of poles was actually Mary's, and those are now finally back at her house after several more of my scenes. So Kate only has three sets of weave poles. But still! Kate has three sets of weave poles, a bunch of jumps, and a table. And I have just two bikes. PLUS she's got a bike that she doesn't even use!
Also notice the box of Clorox in those pictures - more of Kate's stuff. Purchased weeks ago to be donated to the Humane Society along with stuff from other BARC members, it's still sitting in my way (like all the agility equipment that; along with an extra dog crate, a food bin, a chair bought specifically for agility trialing, and two seats taken out of Kate's van to fit dog crates; has been dumped in the middle of the garage floor - where Kate said could be my "man space" and where I could keep all my stuff without hers getting in the way). Anyway the garage is shaping up in spite of all that.
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