Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Happy New Year Indeed

I rode today!  It wasn't all that impressive - Tyler & Sheree hung back on their tandem with me after being dropped from the all-star lineup of George's riders in the first five miles of 22 ridden with the group today.  They did more than hang back with me; they let me draft them for pretty much the entire ride from that point.

And boy did I overdress!  It was predicted to be rainy today (but near 40 degrees, hence my decision to ride) so I wore my rain gear atop what was probably too much clothing for a dry 40-degree day.  So I was too hot.  What was more, my rain gear isn't bike-specific so it doesn't fit even close to correctly for biking.  Sleeves too short, back too short, front too flappy, pants too short & too flappy . . . couple that with my old Raleigh and BOY did I feel like a noob next to all the people rolling up on carbon fiber libido machines.

Anyway it was an enjoyable ride capped off with a visit to Big City Coffee in Boise's Linen District.  I have a headache so that's enough for tonight.  Happy New Year everyone.

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