Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Black Cat Overpass

So yesterday I rode out to check out the Black Cat overpass & back.  It's been down & under construction to accommodate the interstate widening project for several months now, and in fact was originally scheduled for completion sometime soon.  But then there was the collapse of the Robinson Rd bridge two miles away a couple months ago and the ensuing investigation, and now that schedule's gone all to heck.  But they've recently restarted work and slated completion for early spring.

And the reason I care is that I usually get to work on my bike via that bridge.  I've had to alter that route to less-desirable routes with more traffic.  And even better, they're widening the bridge from one lane and a crappy shoulder in each direction to one lane, a bike lane, and a breakdown lane in each direction.  So I'm very much looking forward to its completion, although I fear two possibilities:
  1. Funding collapsed after I saw the plans and the bike lanes have been torched, or
  2. The good ol' boys at ITD designed the bike lanes and breakdown lanes so that they could later remove them to install an extra vehicular lane and once again leave a crappy shoulder. 

Anyway I rode there to see what I could see.  And I could see not a whole lot, but I did see that all the girders were in place, which was good.  

Logistical issues will keep me off my bike for most of this week.  I forgot to ferry clothes with me to work this morning, so I'll be carrying a couple changes with me tomorrow.  And I'm a weenie so I can't possibly carry a big backpack with me on my ride.  Sheesh.  But couple that poor excuse with another one: I'm behind on the Raleigh's chain maintenance, and you've got the dynamic duo of schlepptasticness!  The laziness bi-fecta, even!  And I've gotta drive on Thursday to ferry recycling, a table saw, and a coffee urn back & forth between Nampa & Boise.

But I'll get up early on both days and do some yoga & stuff.  I promise.  And I'll re-lube my drivetrain (on both bikes) so I can ride on Friday.

1 comment:

Dan said...

Promise kept! I did a little bit of stretching and yoga this morning!