Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veterans' Day Ride

This weekend I didn't ride thanks to weather and plenty to do in the garage. The good news there is:
  • our water softener doesn't leak anymore
  • I built a little lumber loft above the garage door to hold the longer pieces of wood I have left over after projects
  • the pile of scrap wood, old bike parts, dirt, and trash that had accumulated on the garage floor is now mostly cleaned up and I again have room to work on my bike
I have plans for more storage stuff (tools, ladders, bikes, Kate's agility equipment...) but this weekend was a big step. Anyway, on to stuff for which I started this blog . . .

One reason I felt able to put off riding this weekend was that today is Veterans' Day, and being a public servant I get the day off so I could ride today while the weather was maybe a little better. By the way, happy Veterans' Day to any & all veterans that might be tuning in, and thank you. So I took that ride that I wanted to take last time - around Power Butte. It's a good ride, particularly when the wind is coming out of the south because then the return trip (riding north on Robinson) is quite fun even without a big effort.

Not much interesting to report - near the south end of Track Rd a Border Collie made a frontal assault on me, but he just herded me and moved off. It was an effective diversionary tactic designed to draw my attention from the attack Dachshund on my flank. An eighth of a mile later, an old Cattledog mix stood a few yards off the road completely ignoring me and yelling at the aggressors to cut it out. Time for a long hot shower.

Ride stats:
Time: 1:29'23"
Distance: 24.69 miles
Avg Speed: 16.5MPH
Max Speed: 28.9MPH

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