Thursday, May 21, 2009

Twenty-Six Minutes, Thirteen Seconds

That was my time today over the ten-mile Hubbard Time Trial.  10 miles in 26:13 works out to 22.9 miles per hour.  That far surpassed both my time in the Broome TT and my expectations for the evening (though it was about in line with my hopes for the evening).

Thanks to my friend Bruce and his wife Nancy for the pictures.  Also note in them, like the Broome TT, I'm smiling at the start but not at the finish.  And look at those skinny freakin' legs!  Dang, I'm eating as much as I can shove down my throat.  And they don't look that skinny from the first-person perspective.  :)

1 comment:

Dan said...

Well I found out that my actual time was 26:17. And I also found out that the course length is actually 9.7 miles. That brings my speed down to 22.1 MPH.