Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My Very First Blog Entry!

Oh this is so very exciting! Okay I'm over it now. Let's get to the point here: I have a problem with commitment. I talked about biking my entire 25-mile commute for a couple years before I actually got off my butt and did it. I've considered racing my bike now for a year or two but have yet to enter a race. In the hopes that I enjoy bike racing as much as I enjoy bike commuting (and that race conditioning will make my commutes still more enjoyable), I'm committing to trying a couple local races this coming season.

And knowing that without some danger of public humiliation I will procrastinate further, I have decided to start this blog to publicize my effort as well as record my training, my fitness progress, and all my podium appearances. Expect the first few months of this blog to be pretty sparse as the weather's just starting to turn sour, but I plan to keep commuting through the winter as the weather allows so don't tune all the way out either. Subscribe to the RSS feed that this blog broadcasts if you want to stay up on all my exciting news.

That will be all. You are dismissed.


Arron said...

Ok. I'll help you out. If you fail to compete in a race, then I will take care of your public ridicule here in the Tri-Cities area. It's the least I can do.

Dan said...

Arron I appreciate your help. And your photo. :)

Rusty said...

You should consider the medical condition of your butt before you make any 'rash' decisions.

Dan said...

Oh BOOOOO! :) But you do bring up a good point. Without being too graphic, the 200 miles per week that I rode during the peak of this summer did have some undesired perineal consequences. One more thing to look into preventing...